We had a stake-wide activity tonight at the church. Each ward got to create a banner using this year's mutual theme of the 13th Article of Faith and then present a one-minute skit, joke, chant or cheer. It was pretty brave of the stake leaders to give the youth so much paint . . . some of it actually ended up on the banners.
Maddie and Juliana
Natalie and her trademark 'stache
Patch and Chandi
Pearl, Paytene and Kynz
Our poster started with a "We Believe" at the top and handprints from all of the youth
Brent really had a hand in things
A new friend, Brendan and Kynz
Jannelle, DJ, Tanner, Keeley and Natalie . . . all rocking the stache . . . and a few goatees
Then our banner transformed into darkness with "We Believe" as the light shining through . . . nice job!
For our skit, Jannelle's friend DJ represented as the "Old Spice Guy" with a fun and clever skit that literally brought the house down with laughter. Our Stake Presidency judges said it "cracked them up". They loved it and we won the "Mad Hatter" award of the night. Well deserved!
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