This Tuesday our combined activity was an Etiquette Night. We started in the Relief Society Room being taught by Brother and Sister Tidball learning about everything from dining etiquette to cell phone and dating etiquette. Who can forget Sister Tidball talking about the spoon as the prince with the sword as the knife pointing toward the princess forks. It was great! Then we headed to the Cultural Hall divided up at different tables and put our new knowledge to the test. We started off setting the table and getting points for doing it correctly. There were other skill tests and conversation questions throughout the night. We enjoyed a yummy dinner starting with Caesar salad, then a meal of ham, cheesy potatoes, green beans and soft rolls, and ending with an ooey gooey chocolate cake. We learned a lot and had so much fun together.
Brother Toki, Paytene, Jason, Sam, Jesus and Brother Jones
Miles and Brendan
Braden, Kynz and Michael
Jessica, Denver, Keeley, Teem and Jayden
Maddie, Tristan, Chandi, Tyler, Danny (hiding), Brother Libberton, and Juliana
The winning table . . . Natalie, DJ, Jasmine, Brent and JannelleOur amazing leaders who worked so hard to make this a great event:
Sister Zirker and Sister Hein
Sister Clark and Sister Marriott
Bishop Campos . . . stocking up on some yummy food before he headed back to meetings