Thursday, December 30, 2010

Girls Camp Flashback - Days 4 & 5

We can't let the year end without going back and posting about Days 4 & 5 at Camp. To start Day 4 we got to help with breakfast which was yummy breakfast burritos. Then we had our morning flag ceremony and devotional and then . . . on to our favorite part . . . ward time. We love being together and Sister Black had a lot of fun things planned for our time together.

Here's the crew in front of one of our cabins

Some of our YCL's - Jayden, Jannelle and Natalie - helped with the first aid certification. Can you tell what their injuries are?

Trusting each other being blindly led through the wilderness course. Here are Jannelle and Allie with Kaycee
It took all the courage that Natalie had to do this . . . and she did great.


Who can balance the longest on one foot . . . is it Sam?

Or Pearl?

How about Amy?

Or Alaynah with her great form?

Who is the big winner?

For the whipped cream challenge . . . Kynz got creamed!

Nice work, Keeley

Who can eat the most dirt and worms? Is it Allie or Paytene?

Jessica getting into it

Here are all of the winners! Congratulations!

We started with one ball of yarn, then tossed it across to each other as we said wonderfully nice things about each other and soon . . .

You can see how we are all connected and tied together!

On to the Rock, Paper, Scissors Challenge of 2010

Jannelle is victorious in a hard fought battle against Paytene.

In the afternoon our Bishopric came up and provided candy treats for everyone. They enjoyed dinner with us and stayed through our Testimony Meeting . . . which is a highlight of camp. It's awesome to see how everyone bonds and learns about how they are a daughter of God and the testimonies that are shared about Christ. We ended our cabin chats with letters from home, which continued the tears started during Testimony Meeting.

On Day 5, it was time to clean up our cabins and reveal our Secret Sisters who had given such thoughtful things throughout the week. After we were checked out, we loaded onto the buses and headed back home. We had an awesome time and came away with strengthened friendships and testimonies. Get ready . . . in a few months we are at it again . . . can't wait!

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