Friday, November 5, 2010

Favorite Scriptures

We had an awesome combined meeting this Sunday where we each had the opportunity to share our favorite scripture, why we liked it and to testify of it. The spirit was strong and to help continue with that spirit, we wanted to share each person's scripture so you can look it up, read it, mark it (if you wish) and appreciate and remember the person whose favorite it is.

Brother Libberton - 1 John 4:8 (above Love)
Patch - D&C 1:37-38 and 20:53-55
Jason B - D&C 10:5 (pray when tempted)
Natalie - D&C 25:12 (hymns like prayers)
Maddy - 3 Nephi 22:11-17 (Heavenly Father is on our side)
Tyler - D&C 64:23 (Tithing)
Alaynah - Psalms 82:6 (We are a child of God)
Chandi - 2 Nephi 10:23 (Be cheerful about the choices we make as we work to make it back home)
Sister Jones - Alma 31:3 (comfort in Christ)
Sister Bird - Helaman 5:12 (keyword is "if" . . . in a world of shifting values, the gospel is our anchor to the storms of life)
Sam - Omni 1:26 (Devote our whole soul)
Denver - Mormon 9:27 (Don't doubt)
Jayden - D&C 42:14
Amy B - D&C 6:7 (Seek not the things of the world)
Jannelle - D&C 76:22 & 24
Brother West - James 2:26 (With faith you can do anything)
Tristan - Proverbs 3:5-6 (Happiness)
Caitlyn - 3 Nephi 22:2 (God is why we are here)
Jessica - Luke 2:11 (Where it all began)
Brother Marriott - D&C 45:3-5 (Love of our Savior)
Brother Brown - D&C 10:4, Mosiah 4:27 (Overcome weaknesses)
Sister Hein - 3 Nephi 9:13-14 (Healer/Comforter)

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