Sunday, October 31, 2010

For the Strength of Youth Challenge

We had a fun Standards Night on Tuesday and dug into the For the Strength of Youth books with our Faith Factor game . . . more pictures coming on that. At the end of the night, our Mia Maid President, Maddy, issued a challenge to everyone. We passed out pocket-size For the Strength of Youth cards and each youth is encouraged to keep it with them at all times. If leaders ask any of the youth for the card and they have it, they get a treat; if they don't have it, they owe us a treat. The leaders have the cards too . . . so test us out as well. This is going to be a fun challenge, so hold each other accountable as we text, call and check up on each other to make sure that we know and are living by the Lord's standards at all times and in all places!

Can you find where Keeley has her card?

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