For our cabin chats, we started with a great devotional by Maddy and Alaynah on our individual worth as daughters of God. They sang the song, Daughter of a King, which has an incredible message. Here is a video clip from YouTube that serves as a reminder to the powerful message that we are God's daughter and he loves us:
Daughter of a King
Words and Music by Jenny Phillips and Tyler Castleton
Do you wonder if He knows who you are? Do you wonder if He knows the secret pleadings of your heart He has numbered every sand of the sea And he longs for you to know that He believes in you Can you feel a quiet power from above? Can you feel His strength surround you when your own is not enough? He has blessed you with his spirit from on high And He longs for you to know it lives inside of you Oh, be true – Daughter of a king, the Father’s royalty heir to His divinity He’s calling your name to come and take your place before His throne He has always known what he created you to be A daughter of a king You hold the promises of all eternity Rise to claim the noble birthright you were sent here to receive He has loved you since you lived with Him before Let Him lead you to the gifts He has in store for you Oh, be true – Daughter of a king, the Father’s royalty heir to His divinity He’s calling your name to come and take your place before His throne He has always known what he created you to be Father’s royalty heirs to His divinity He’s calling our names to come and take our place before His throne He has always known what He created us to be
Alaynah read a story and she and Maddy both shared powerful thoughts and scriptures. At the end of, we were presented with friendship bracelets that the Hipol sisters made in our Good Works yellow color. Alaynah had also been secretly working on making special bracelets as well for every young woman as one of her value projects. This was a great way to unify our young women together. By the end of week, we had a whole collection of awesome memories through bracelets . . . check out Jayden's arm as an example.
Then we had an awesome discussion with Brother Hein about what we need to be looking for in a guy and especially about how we need to be completely selfish in what we are looking for. We need to set the bar high for ourselves . . . there are great guys out there who uphold their
It was another fabulous day at camp. Thanks to Brother Christensen, Brother Black, and Brother Hein who came up to help and support us during the day.
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