Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Annual Mud Football Game

We challenged the Lake Mountain 2nd Ward, the ward we split off from last October, to the annual mud football game. We started off with a hot dog barbecue in the Josephson's back yard where everyone was nice and clean and dry and it quickly became the biggest mud wrestling pit. We didn't even use the football until the end of the night. At the end of the night everyone hosed off or jumped in the lake to try and get clean. We had incredible turnout and had so much fun being back together.

Brother Libberton ready for battle

Tyler Christensen getting some fuel before the challenge.

Sister Clark and Sister Hein . . . your awesome young women leaders.

Sister Nuffer, Sister Markham, and Sister Jones (plus Berkley) . . . more incredible leaders . . . you're so lucky. :)

Sam Blatter

Natalie and one of our smallest young women, Berkley Jones

Perl and Taylor

Natalie, Sister Marriott - our new Laurel Advisor - and Sam

Molly always likes to be a part of the action too.

Krysti, Jayden, Allie and Caitlin

It didn't take Kaycee and Kierstin long to go from this . . . .

. . . to this . . .

Allie, Krysti, and Jayden . . . so pretty and clean

Krysti moved in to the ward a few weeks ago and she is literally jumping right in and getting involved.

Allie . . . is that you?

Amber and Kynz

Allie, Tyler and . . . can you spot Keeley??

Amber and Baylor

These girls got it all going for the night . . Chandi, Chandi's friend, Jessie, and Keeley. Good job, girls!

Chandi and Jessie

Jessie, Chandi, Taylor, Perl and Keeley

Allie and Sister Tingey

Bishop Smith going after the youth. Keeley creating her own "Slip-n-Slide"

Paytene and Danny Douglas carrying Colton out of the lake

Miles getting nice and dirty

Michael, a friend, Patch, and Braeden


Sisters, Meagan and Kelsie Barnes with Jessie.

And a few minutes later . . . covered.

McKay Finch . . . looking like death warmed over. He gave his all in the battle.

Makaela Smith

Another future young woman, Lucy Josephson

Kynz covered in mud

Trying to rinse off . . . it's slippery when wet.

Keeley and Baylor

Miles and Juliana clean again . . . ready to head home.

Jacob Motter

Colton Jensen coming off the field

Good job, Caitlyn!

Tyler started out with just a little mud on his hands . . .

. . . to being completely covered!

Time to go home . . . all loaded up in Brother West's truck.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Special Needs Carnival

Yesterday was a joint activity with the Stake where we put on a carnival for the special needs youth in the area. We did it last year and had a great experience and were excited to do it again. Our ward was in charge of the snow cones, and working with our friends in the Lake Mountain 2nd Ward on the potato sack race and face painting. We had lines all night long at the snow cone station and went until we ran out of ice. The most popular activity with all of the kids was clearly the dunking booth. We had a lot of fun doing the activities together and with our special guests. We enjoyed a yummy meal of BBQ pulled pork sandwiches, watermelon, chips and an ice cream bar dessert. The night ended with a dance party that was a lot of fun for everyone. We can't wait to do it again next year.

DJ, Kierstin, Kaycee, Jannelle and Sam working our snow cone station which had non-stop people! Kaycee's snow cone machine saved the day while we rounded up a replacement machine for the one we brought that wasn't working. Making snow cones two at a time kept our line at bay.
DJ, Jannelle, Cameron and Sam working tireless at our snow cone station

Jayden, Colton, Denver and Tayson Botelho

Keeley and Maddy working at the face painting station. Keeley is in high demand for her swirly, twirly creations. We didn't even see her until the end of the night.

These guys tried to escape . . . but I got them. Here's Jason Bischoff, Matt Kearns and Michael Paletta.

The dunking booth was the most popular activity. Here is Juliana . . . drenched!

The lovely ladies at the snow cone station, Sister Bird, Sister Sorenson and Sister Clark. Even though the Blue Raspberry flavor was the first to run out, we all agree that Tigers Blood is where it's at. We have a convert in Sister Hein for sure.
Here's a wet Kierstin

We can't have a dance party without our own Master Mixer Brother Luke who rocked the songs all night long. For the dance party at the end he was even teaching the Macarena!

Natalie, Alaynah and Kynz . . . looking good and dry. Nice job!

Patch . . . drenched! Colton behind him ready to go . . . again!

Jayden . . . drenched

Jannelle and DJ were really selling the face painting . . . they were also the best snow cone scoopers around.

A soaking wet Paytene trying to give Allie a nice wet hug.

One of our special friends showing us his awesome throwing arm that dunked lots of our kids. He threw from very far away and still hit the target. We can see why!

Cute Caitlyn!

Colton in the background, Allie, Denver and Tayson Botelho

Colton . . . drenched!

Colton's brother, Chance, was one of the first ones to get . . . you got it . . . drenched!

Chance was daring with the face paint as well!

Hey Chance, whose lips are those? Hi Jacob!
Cameron, Colton, Patch, Kynz and Amber

Brother Christensen with Berkley and her "kamakazi" snow cone with every single flavor mixed together.

Brother West keeping an eye on thinks at the dunk tank.

Brent and Jessica Bosley clearly enjoying the cotton candy